Cybersecurity Club Officer

I joined the cybersecurity club as the CTF officer in fall 2021. Throughout that time I have helped to coordinate cross club events with Mobi, ACM, and GDC. Pushed to get UTA its own HTB page. I redesigned our logo and created an animated reveal, you can find more information about this on the design page. I hosted an intro to cryptography workshop that taught participants how to use GPG to encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify. As of the time of writing I am the Vice President of CSEC

National Cyber League
Team game Fall 2022

Our team of 7 was able to place within the 97th percentile. For this competition I mainly focused on the cyptography & password cracking challenges. This was my first proper team CTF and I enjoyed the experience working on these challenges. My favorite challenge would have to be the "magnetic" challenge which requires you to extract credit card information from a audio file. Which similar to how Square's Card Reader works Certificate of Participation Scouting Report

HTB University CTF 2022
Supernatural Hacks

Was the team MVP during the event and played a part in all 3 flags we were able to claim. My largest contribution was to the Crypto challenge "Banker-er-smith" where using a my understanding of RSA we were able to successfully launch a coppersmith attack on a partial key. My second contribution was for the forensics challenge "Fake News" where we followed the trail of a hack through an OS snapshot. My third contribution was finding the single incorrect character in our teammates proposed solution to the reverse engineering challenge "Potion Master".Certificate of Participation Completion Snapshot

HackUTA 2022 CTF

This was my first time ever creating a CTF in general. I toke all of the concepts I knew and crafted them into a small story based set of challenges. It is set up with active elements such a discord bot and a wifi router. The story is that you are an agent investigating an organisation that has infultrated HackUTA and you need to investigate and find their lair. The challenge starts on the HackUTA page where you need to look through the HTML of the page to find a hidden element. This then leads you to a simple stenography challenge. Which then gives you a discord username that will set you up inorder to crack a wifi password. You then connect to the router in the room which will lead you to the final page. If I were to do it again I'd reduce the complexity since there wasn't enough time scheduled for this event. Also I would add more structure to help guide players between the challenges. Archive

Emilio Reza
Antonio Devine
Bishwo Dahal
Prabhash G C